About the Owner Portal
Highlighted Features:
The owner portal makes your property information accessible from anywhere in the world with an internet connection, 24/7. It is also optimized for mobile which means you can review your important documents while on the go and not worry because TriEx Management has it handled.
On the statements page you will find archived owner packets. The owner packet includes the documents you requested as part of the packet (generally owner statement and bills for the reporting period).
The Transactions page allows you to view your owner distributions and contributions as well as make contributions free of charge to the property. This feature makes it easy to contribute money to the property if you are making a capital improvement or have a large repair bill.
The Documents page archives important documents related to the property that you requested be shared there. Examples of this include: tenant lease, management agreement, correspondence, 1099s, etc. The documents being archived in a central location makes doing any analysis, refinance, or tax preparation quite easy and painless.